
Anytime soon

Artist Chris Beer
Title Anytime soon
Release Date Friday, November 15, 2019
Genre Pop > Pop / Rock
Copyright © Preiser Records

Promotion Text

Chris Beer with his Song "Anytime soon"

Was uns gesagt wird, wird oft schnell vergessen. Was man uns zeigt, merken wir uns-oder auch nicht. Was man aber selbst erlebt hat, daran erinnert man sich ein Leben lang. Chris Beer greift gerne Themen auf, denen wenig Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt wird.
‚Any time soon‘ zelebriert wie wandelbar und adaptionsfähig der menschliche Verstand auch unter widrigsten Umständen sein kann, denn oft merkt man durch Herausforderungen oder Schicksalsschläge erst, wie stark man ist.

What we are told we often forget. What we are shown we might not remember but what we are involved in, what we experience - that we understand and remember effortlessly. Chris BEER is known for tackling thorny subjects that affect us all and yet are often inadequately represented in mainstream culture.
‚Any time soon‘ celebrates the human mind’s ability to adapt to challenging circumstances. After all, it is often in the face of adversity that one finds out how strong one truly is.