Promotion Text
Green Fools - Play it loud and enjoy life - don't let the green fools bug you
Rock and heavy guitar - enjoy the latest product from Olle_XXL. You do not have to listen to the green propaganda - most of it is not related to the environment - they just want to own you...
-----cut from the lyrics-----------------------------------
Ch: Green fools - dancing in the sun/
Real men - whip them, make them cry and run
They steal our words and make them stink/sustainable is no longer what you think
it stands for girly stuff that they love to hear/nothing nuclear - that just gives them fear
Green fools - Green fools
OK the sun is not so very near/but still it's very very nuclear
don't let us fertilize - cropping a good yield/ turn our world into a killing field
Green fools - Green fools
Have trust in Science - not in fools
Also check out Great Tit & Grey Pussy - my best-selling album so far