To live in the Borderlands - Hymns Songs and other Sounds
Artist | Rosivita / Klaus Karlbauer |
Title | To live in the Borderlands - Hymns Songs and other Sounds |
Release Date | Saturday, November 11, 2017 |
Genre | Pop > Adult Contemporary |
Copyright | © Karlbauer Records |
Country | AUSTRIA |
Promotion Text
To live in the Borderlands" Hymns, songs & other sounds
Composed and played on Broken Zither by Klaus Karlbauer Words by Trinh T. Minh-haSpoken and chanted by Rosivita „In the Borderland you are the Battleground“ Barbed wire as medium, wire as space for projectionAt the centre of the album „To live in the Borderlands“ by Klaus Karlbauer is the „border experience“, the supposed geographic transition between the homeland and the foreign land, the transitory crossing between the „one“ and the „other“. How do borders sound? How does the material sound, that protects? What is the sound of this day and age?Im Zentrum des Albums „To live in the Borderlands“ von Klaus Karlbauer steht das „Grenzereignis“, der vermeintliche, geographische Übergang zwischen Heimat und Fremde, der transitorische Übergang vom Einen zum Anderen. Wie klingen Grenzen? Wie klingt das Material, das schützt? Was ist der Sound der Gegenwart?