

Artist Spitting Ibex feat. Elena Shirin
Title Ocean
Release Date Friday, August 2, 2024
Genre R&B / Soul > Soul
Copyright © Spitting Records

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Ocean feat. Elena Shirin

„Some days the surface - of the ocean - seems like glass to me - reflecting all the pain - I swallowed deep - inside of me”. Gerade rechtzeitig zur sommerlichen Hitze liefern Spitting Ibex ihre nächste Singleauskopplung zu Album Nr. 4. Mit einer Mischung aus Melancholie und Hoffnung schaffen Spitting Ibex und Elena Shirin einen Sound, der sowohl das Äußere als auch unser Innerstes widerspiegelt. “Waves are crashing at the coast - Reminding us of the beauty of our host - Nurturing the living and the dead - Mother Earth is always in our heads”. „Ocean“ ist der Soundtrack für warme Sommertage und laue Nächte – ein neosouliges Erfrischungsgetränk, das perfekt zu salzigen Pommes im Freibad, saftiger Wassermelone am Strand oder einem entspannten Tag auf der Donauinsel passt. Ein Lebensgefühl, das uns durch den Sommer trägt.

"Some days the surface - of the ocean - seems like glass to me - reflecting all the pain - I swallowed deep - inside of me.” Just in time for summer heat, Spitting Ibex deliver their next single from album no. 4. With a blend of melancholy and hope, Spitting Ibex and Elena Shirin create a sound that reflects both the exterior world and our innermost selves. “Waves are crashing at the coast - Reminding us of the beauty of our host - Nurturing the living and the dead - Mother Earth is always in our heads”. "Ocean" is the soundtrack for warm summer days and balmy nights—a neo-soul refreshment that perfectly complements salty fries at the pool, juicy watermelon on the beach, or a relaxed day on Donauinsel. It's a feeling that carries us through the summer.

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